Halwai May 27, 2023


• 2 – large firm apples
• 1 – Pear
• 1 cup – Walnut chopped coarsely
• 2 cups – Lettuce shredded finely
• 2 – Celery sticks, sliced thinly
• 1 tbsp – finely chopped, Mint
• 1 tbsp – Lime juice
• 1/2 cup – thick, fresh curds
• 1 cup – Cream
• 1 tsp – ground pepper powder
• 1 tsp – Vinegar
• Salt to taste.


  1. Peel and chop apples and pears into small pieces.
  2. Drizzle lemon juice over them, toss lightly and mix in all the other ingredients and one cup of lettuce.
  3. Spread the remaining cup of lettuce on a plate or bowl.
  4. Now empty the prepared salad on to the lettuce leaves.
  5. Chill well before serving.
  6. Recipe Courtesy: Anglo-Indian Recipes

Recipe courtesy of Bridget White