Halwai November 7, 2023


• 4 tsp – cornflour
• 1/4 tsp – salt
• 4 tbsp – Sugar
• 2 eggs beaten
• 100 g – fresh Cream
• 1 Apple peeled and chopped into small pieces
• 3 tbsp – Maida flour
• 1/2 tsp – Cinnamon powder
• 1 tsp – vanilla essence


  1. Beat the eggs and cream together.
  2. Sift the flour, salt and corn flour together and mix into the eggs and cream.
  3. Add the chopped apples, cinnamon powder, sugar and vanilla essence.
  4. Pour into a greased mould or baking dish and bake for 25 minutes till the top turns brown.
  5. Cool and serve with fresh cream.
  6. Recipe Courtesy: Anglo-Indian Recipes

Recipe courtesy of Bridget White