Halwai April 14, 2023


• 12 pcs Chicken breasts (boneless)
• 100 gms – gram flour
• 80 gms – bread crumbs
• 60 gms – Butter
• 3 Egg yolks
• 40 gms – Ginger paste
• 40 gms – Garlic paste
• 45 ml – Lemon juice
• 5 gms – white pepper powder
• 20 gms – Ginger
• 20 gms – coriander
• 2 gms – green Cardamom powder
• 10 ml – oil
• salt to taste


  1. Clean each breast piece and cut in two.
  2. Mix ginger paste, garlic paste, lemon juice, salt and pepper and rub the chicken pieces with this mixture. Keep aside.
  3. Clean and chop the ginger and coriander.
  4. Heat butter and oil in a pan.
  5. Add gram flour and cook till golden brown.
  6. Add the marinated chicken and saute.
  7. Add bread crumbs and mix well.
  8. Skewer each chicken piece horizontally and cook for about 7-8 minutes in a modely hot tandoor.
  9. Coat the chicken pieces with the egg yolks and cook further till the coating turns golden brown.
  10. Remove and sprinkle cardamom powder and coriander.
  11. Serve immediately.