Halwai November 9, 2023


• 1 cup – boiled Rice
• 3/4 -1 cup – gram flour
• 2 cups – sour buttermilk
• 4-5 – Green chillies
• 1 tbsp – Mustard Seeds
• 1 tbsp – Cumin seeds
• Turmeric powder
• salt
• 5-6 tbsp – oil


  1. Soak the boiled rice in buttermilk for 1/2 hour.
  2. Add oil in a thick bottom vessel. Then add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, green chillies cut into halves, turmeric powder. Let it pop.
  3. Then add rice with buttermilk. Let it boil for 2 minutes.
  4. Now keep the flame low & add gram flour slowly & stir continuously in one direction.
  5. Add salt to taste.
  6. Consider this as done when the oil separates and the mixture becomes non-sticky.

Recipe courtesy of Mrinal Shah