Halwai April 14, 2022


• 2 medium potatoes, cooked
• 2 medium carrots, diced
• 2 stalks celery, also cut into a small dice
• 1 medium onion, minced
• 5 Cloves of garlic, chopped
• 1 tbsp- grated Ginger
• 1/2 tsp – Turmeric
• 1/2 tsp – cayenne pepper
• 1 tsp – ground black pepper
• 1 tsp – canola or Olive oil
• 3-4 large sage leaves, minced very fine.
• Water or vegetable stock, as needed
• 1/2 cup – soymilk
• Salt to taste


  1. Heat the oil in a skillet. Add the onions and saute over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until they become translucent, for about 5 minutes.
  2. Add the ginger and garlic and stir for another minute.
  3. Add the carrots, celery, cayenne, turmeric and ground black pepper. Stir and saute another 2-3 minutes until the carrots begin to soften.
  4. Now, add enough water or stock to cover the vegetables, bring to a boil, turn down the heat, and simmer, covered, until the carrots are very tender, for about 8-10 minutes.
  5. Add the cooked potatoes (make sure they are tender) and stir in.
  6. Now, put all the vegetables and liquid into a blender and blend into a puree. Be careful because the soup is very hot.
  7. Pour the vegetable puree back into the skillet over medium heat, add the soymilk, and let everything warm through. Add salt to taste, then the sage leaves.
  8. Remove from heat, top with croutons, and enjoy.
  9. Recipe Courtesy: Holy Cow Vegan