Halwai February 11, 2023


• 1 cup – cashew
• 2 cups – Sugar
• 1/4 cup – Milk
• 1/4 cup – Ghee
• Few strands of Saffron


  1. Soak the cashew in cold water for about 2 hours. Grind it fine to smooth paste.
  2. Now soak the saffron in milk and set aside.
  3. Take heavy bottom vessel. Put the cashew paste, sugar and ghee.
  4. Keep stirring continuously on low heat for about 10 min.
  5. Now lower flame to medium and keep stirring till cashew cake separates from ends of the vessel.
  6. Pour saffron and milk, and mix it well.
  7. Pour mixture into a greased plate, and cut into diamond shapes when warm.
  8. Store it in airtight container.

Recipe courtesy of Rani