Halwai June 15, 2023


• 4 oz. – Cream cheese
• 1 – Egg yolk
• 4 tbsps – Salad oil
• 2 tbsps – Vinegar
• 1 tsp – mustard
• 1/2 cup – water
• 2 oz – Cream
• Salt and cayenne


  1. Dissolve the gelatin in the water.
  2. Add oil gradually to egg yolk, stirring all the time.
  3. Gradually drop in the vinegar to oil and egg mixture.
  4. Cream the cheese with a wooden spoon and add to the egg yolk mixture.
  5. Add mustard, cream, gelatin, salt and cayenne.
  6. Whisk mixture until smooth.
  7. Put in paper cases and allow to set.