Halwai February 25, 2024


• 250 g – Refined flour or Maida
• 50 g – cocoa powder
• 300 g – powdered Sugar
• 250 g – Butter
• 5 – eggs
• 2 tsp – Nescafe
• 1 tsp – vanilla essence
• 2 tsp – baking powder
• For mousse topping: 3 tbsp – icing Sugar
• 3 tbsp – Corn flour
• 2 tbsp – gelatine
• 3 tbsp – cocoa
• 1/2 cup – Milk


  1. Sift the cocoa powder, Nescafe, flour and baking powder together.
  2. Cream the butter and sugar together well.
  3. Add 1 tsp of vanilla essence.
  4. Add the eggs one by one and mix well.
  5. Slowly mix in the sifted flour with the other ingredients to form a smooth dough of slightly thick consistency without lumps.
  6. Pour into a greased and papered baking dish or cake tin and bake in a hot oven for 30-40 minutes until done.
  7. For mousse topping: Mix 3 tbsp each of icing sugar, cocoa and corn flour and 2 tbsp of gelatine together in a saucepan.
  8. Slowly mix 1/2 cup of milk and cook on medium heat until the mixture thickens.
  9. Remove from the heat and allow the mixture to cool down completely. Beat well with a fork or a hand mixer until fluffy.
  10. Spread over the cake with a spatula and garnish with the chopped nuts and chocolate chips.
  11. Refrigerate and serve when required.
  12. Recipe Courtesy: Anglo-Indian Recipes

Recipe courtesy of Bridget White