Halwai June 16, 2024


• 1 cup – Rice
• 1 cup – kalkandu (lump white sugar/ misri)
• 1/2 cup – moong dal (optional)
• 1 cup – Ghee
• 2 cups – Milk
• For garnishing:
• Six – sliced Almonds
• 25 x 2 – split cashew
• 25 – kismish (dry gapes)
• A few strings – Kesar


  1. Clean and wash the rice.
  2. Boil milk and reduce it to half.
  3. Add rice (and the dal) and pressure cook till the rice becomes very soft.
  4. Add 1/2 cup ghee to the rice.
  5. Then add in the kalkanndu slowly.
  6. The flame must be on simmer.
  7. Add kesar strings after dissolving them in a little lukewarm milk.
  8. Add in the rest of the ghee slowly, while stirring the rice.
  9. Keep string constantly and once the lump sugar is melted, add the roasted almond, cashew and grapes.
  10. Serve it hot.
  11. If required, you can add little more ghee so that the rice does not burn or get stuck at he bottom of the vessel.

Recipe courtesy of Natarajan