Halwai June 20, 2022


• 1 cup – fresh or canned deseeded lychees
• 3 cups – fresh cream, chilled
• 1/2 cup – sugar, powdered
• 2 – 3 drops – vanilla essence
• 4 – tall glasses for serving


  1. Chill lychees to required temperature.
  2. Beat cream over ice cubes till it thickens.
  3. Fold in sugar, essence, mix and beat lightly till soft peaks form.
  4. Place a dollop of cream in see – through glass.
  5. Put a few lychees over it.
  6. Repeat with cream and lychees to the top.
  7. Top with a whole deseeded lychee.
  8. Repeat for remaining four glasses.
  9. Chill till required.
  10. Serve well chilled in individual glasses.

Recipe courtesy of Saroj Kering