Halwai June 17, 2023


• 500 g – chicken, boneless, cubed
• 1 bunch – fresh Mint leaves (pudina)
• 1 – large Onion
• 1/2 bunch – Coriander leaves
• 2 tsp – ginger-garlic paste
• 1/2 tsp – Turmeric
• 1 – Cinnamon stick
• Green chillies – according to taste
• 1 tsp – Garam Masala
• 1 tsp – coriander powder
• 2 tsp – Coconut powder
• 6 tsp – oil
• 1 tsp – Lemon juice
• Salt to taste


  1. Pour 2 tsp oil in a pan and add green chillies, mint leaves.
  2. When the leaves become tender, add coriander leaves and saute for 5 mins.
  3. Grind it to fine paste.
  4. Add lemon juice to it.
  5. Marinate chicken pieces with this paste along with salt, coriander powder, garam masala, ginger-garlic paste and set it aside for 1 hour.
  6. Cut onions into a very thin pieces.
  7. Pour oil into a pan and roast cinnamon stick, 2-3 green chillies and onions.
  8. Fry them till they are brown.
  9. Add turmeric powder and then add marinated chicken to it, mix it and close the lid.
  10. After 5-8 mins mix again, pour a little water and close and cook for 5 mins more.
  11. Finally, add coconut powder and fry till all the water dries up.
  12. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot with naan, roti and rice.

Recipe courtesy of Swetha