Halwai September 17, 2024


• 2 quarters – Ricotta cheese
• 2 cups – Sugar
• 1 cup – Milk
• 1 small pack – half-n-half
• A little – Saffron
• 1 tsp – Cardamom powder.


  1. Preheat oven at 325 F for 10 mins.
  2. Do not remove the excess water from the ricotta cheese.
  3. Place the cheese in a bowl, add a cup of sugar and mix well.
  4. Put this mixture in an aluminium foil pack and bake at 350 degree F for 35 mins.
  5. In a sauce pan add milk and half-n-half and boil on a low flame for 15-20 mins.
  6. Add the remaining cup of sugar, saffron, and cardamom powder to it.
  7. Put the baked cheese mixture in the freezer for about 10 mins and cool.
  8. Take from freezer and drop the cheese slowly into the boiling milk and heat through.
  9. Cool the entire thing for about 10 mins and store in the freezer.

Recipe courtesy of Hema