Halwai September 29, 2023


• 1/2 – medium sized Watermelon
• 2 to 3 – slices Pineapples
• 1/2 – green Cabbage
• 1/2 – small head of Broccoli
• 1 – Green chilli sliced
• 1 sprig – Mint leaves
• 1 sprig – Basil leaves
• 2 to 3 – salad leaves, chopped
• 1 tbsp – brown Vinegar
• 1 tsp – Brown sugar
• 1 tbsp – Lemon juice
• 1 tbsp – crushed Peanuts
• 1 tsp – sesame seeds
• 1 – small flake Garlic crushed
• 1 – small piece Ginger crushed
• 2 – green chillies, finely chopped
• 1 tsp – Olive oil
• salt to taste


  1. Heat brown sugar in a small pan, over low flame.
  2. When melted, add vinegar gradually, stirring continuously.
  3. When fully dissolved and bubby, take off fire. Cool to room temperature.
  4. Add ginger, garlic, chopped basil, mint and chillies. Stir.
  5. Add olive oil, peanuts, salt, lemon juice. Blend well with a small wire or balloon whisk.
  6. Keep dressing refrigerated till required.
  7. Heat plenty of water and add salt.
  8. Tear cabbage into rough square pieces leaf by leaf.
  9. Trim broccoli into large florets.
  10. Add both to boiling water, cover and cook for 3 mins.
  11. Take off heat, drain, and run under cold water.
  12. Chop watermelon to chunky pieces.
  13. Chop pineapple slices into 7-8 segments.
  14. Refrigerate all individually, till required.
  15. 30 minutes before serving:
  16. Take a large salad bowl.
  17. Add watermelon, pineapple, cabbage, broccoli.
  18. Add sesame seeds and salad leaves.
  19. Drizzle prepared dressing, toss till all chunks are well coated.
  20. Serve chilled salad, crisp and fresh.

Recipe courtesy of Saroj Kering