Halwai November 11, 2023


• 1 cup – Wheat flour
• 1 to 2 tsp – Ghee (optional – substitute with vegetable oil to make it vegan)
• Salt to taste


  1. Add all the ingredients together. Slowly spoon enough water to form into a dough. The dough should be of a rolling consistency, neither too sticky nor too dry.
  2. On a slightly floured surface, roll out the dough into thin flat bread – not papery thin but not too thick either.
  3. Slowly using a sharp knife, draw slanted lines, cutting into the dough.
  4. Now again cross it on the other side to form diamond shapes.
  5. You can use a cookie cutter if you like to form your own patterns.
  6. Drop these in hot oil and fry them in batches until reddish brown in colour.
  7. The oil will stop bubbling once these get done.
  8. Remove using a slotted spoon and drop them on a paper towel to drain excess oil.
  9. Store them in an air tight container.
  10. Recipe Courtesy: http://chefinyou.com/