Halwai September 20, 2023


• 1/2 kg – boneless bhetki fish
• 200 g – button Mushroom (sliced in 4)
• 150 g – Capsicum chopped
• 2 – medium Onions
• 1 – whole garlic, chopped
• 6-7 – green chillies, slit
• 1/2 bunch of Coriander leaves
• 100 g – oil
• 1/2 tbsp – salt
• 1 – Lemon
• 1 pinch – ajinomoto
• 1 tbsp – soya sauce


  1. Cut the fish into medium pieces.
  2. Marinate the fish pieces with lemon juice and 1/2 tsp of salt for 1 hr.
  3. Heat the oil in non-stick kadai, fry the fish pieces till golden brown. Keep aside.
  4. Add the chopped onions, garlic and green chillies and fry it
  5. Add mushrooms, capsicums and saute it till it softens, adding 1/2 tsp of salt in it.
  6. Cover it with lid and keep it on medium flame for 10 minutes.
  7. Add the fish pieces and mix it, and keep it on slow flame
  8. Add the soya sauce in it.
  9. Add the chopped coriander leaves.
  10. Put 1 pinch of ajinomoto and simmer for 10 minutes, covered with lid.
  11. Serve it with noodles, rice or fried rice.

Recipe courtesy of Lipika