Halwai May 17, 2022


• For the cups:
• 6 slices – bread
• 1 tsp – pepper-cumin powder
• Salt to Taste
• Oil to Fry
• For the Filling:
• 1/2 cup – grated Paneer
• 1 cup – grated Cabbage
• 1 cup – grated Carrot
• 1 cup – finely sliced Onion
• 1 cup – boiled peas
• 1 tsp – chilli powder
• Salt to Taste


  1. Dip the bread in water. Squeeze out the water. Mix other ingredients. Make small cups out of the mixture and deep fry in oil.
  2. Heat oil in a kadai and saute the onions.
  3. Add cabbage, carrot, boiled peas, chilli powder and salt.
  4. Cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Fill the mixture in the bread cups and sprinkle paneer on top.
  6. Serve hot.

Recipe courtesy of Radhika Vijay Karthik