Halwai September 20, 2023


• For the Chicken stock:
• A few Chicken bones
• A few Spinach stalks, coarsely chopped
• 2 – medium-sized carrots, diced into large pieces
• 1 – sweet potato, diced into large cubes
• 1/2 cup – cauliflower, diced into big pieces
• 1/4 cup – chopped Spring onion (or one medium-sized onion)
• 1 – Bay Leaf
• 7-8 – whole peppercorns
• salt to taste
• 5 cups – water
• For the noodle soup: 1 cup – chicken, diced into cubes
• 15-20 – small-sized Prawns
• 1 – medium-sized carrot, diced into small cubes
• 1 cup – blanched Spinach
• 1/4 cup – fresh Corn
• 5 Cloves – garlic, chopped finely
• 1 cup – Rice noodles
• 1 tbsp – margarine
• A dash – Lemon juice
• A dash – black pepper powder


  1. For the chicken stock:
  2. Put all the ingredients in a pressure cooker.
  3. After the first whistle, simmer on low heat for 20-25 minutes in the cooker itself.
  4. Let it cool, then strain out the chicken stock.
  5. For the noodle soup: In a wide bottomed skillet, heat a tbsp of margarine.
  6. Add the chopped garlic and fry for a few seconds.
  7. Add the diced chicken and prawns and fry for a minute or two.
  8. Add the carrots and corn and stir for a few minutes. Add the chicken stock, cover and cook for 3-4 minutes.
  9. Add salt to taste.
  10. Add the blanched spinach and the cooked noodles, and cook for another minute.
  11. Leave aside for a couple of minutes.
  12. Add lemon juice and pepper powder.
  13. Serve hot.
  14. Recipe courtesy: Only Fish Recipes

Recipe courtesy of Sonali