Halwai March 23, 2023


• 4 – Chicken legs
• 4 to 5 – Cloves of Garlic
• 2 tbsp – coarsely ground black pepper
• 15 ml – rum
• 30 ml – red wine
• 3 to 4 – stems of Lemon grass
• salt to taste


  1. Take a fork and make holes in the chicken legs.
  2. Place the chicken legs in a bowl. Add crushed garlic.
  3. Cut lemon grass into small pieces and add rum and red wine (port wine).
  4. Add pepper and salt. Add the mixture to the chicken and marinate for at least 1-2 hours.
  5. Place in an oven-safe dish and bake in a pre-heated oven for at least 20-30 minutes or until golden brown. Turn occasionally so that the chicken dips in the wine all the time.
  6. Serve hot with sliced onion.

Recipe courtesy of Chef Yazdi