Halwai October 30, 2023


• For the Cake:
• 1/2 cup – Almonds
• 1/2 cup – Sugar
• 1/2 cup – flour
• 3 – eggs
• 1/2 tsp – vanilla essence
• 3 – Egg whites
• A pinch – salt
• 2 tbsp – butter, melted
• For the Filling and Topping:
• 2 cup – fresh Mango pulp
• 1.5 cup – whipping Cream
• 1.5 cup – icing Sugar
• 4 tbsp – water
• 4 tsp – gelatine
• fresh Mango slices and few Cherries or strawberries to decorate


  1. Grind the almonds with 2 tbsp of sugar to a fine powder.
  2. Mix flour with salt.
  3. Keep aside 2 tbsp of sugar.
  4. Add the rest to the almond powder.
  5. Add the egg yolks, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
  6. Beat in the essence.
  7. Beat the whites till stiff.
  8. Add the reserved sugar, beat till glossy.
  9. Sift the flour over the almond mixture and fold in.
  10. Fold in the egg whites, 1/3 at a time and then the melted butter.
  11. Pour in a prepared Swiss roll tin.
  12. Bake in a hot oven at 200 degrees C till done, about 12-15 minutes.
  13. Leave aside to cool.
  14. Filling and Topping:
  15. Soak gelatine in water for 10 minutes.
  16. Stir over a low flame to dissolve completely.
  17. Whip the cream over a bowl of ice till thick.
  18. Remove 1/3 cup of beaten cream and fold in 2 tbsp of icing sugar into it.
  19. Reserve this in refrigerator for decorating.
  20. Fold in the mango pulp and remaining icing sugar into the cream.
  21. Add the dissolved gelatine.
  22. Mix well and place in refrigerator to thicken. (It should be of spreading consistency)
  23. Cut the cake into two parts.
  24. Place one part on a serving dish.
  25. Spread 1/3 the mango mixture over it.
  26. Cover with the other part of cake.
  27. Use the remaining mango mixture for covering the top and sides of the cake.
  28. Place in refrigerator to chill well (at least four hours).
  29. Just before serving, decorate with reserved cream, mango and strawberry/cherry slices.