Halwai June 11, 2024


• 1/2 kg – dark, round Brinjal (cut into 4 pieces vertically)
• 1 cup – dry Coconut
• 1 cup – onion, chopped
• 1 cup – Garlic
• 2 tsp – cumin
• 1 tsp – mustard
• 1/4 tsp – Turmeric powder
• 2 tsp – chilli powder
• Salt to taste
• 1 tsp – Curry leaves
• 4 tbsp – cooking oil


  1. Grind masala with onion, coconut and garlic with 1 tsp of cumin and curry leaves.
  2. Fry oil in a kadai, add cumin, mustard and curry leaves.
  3. After the mustard splutters, add chopped brinjal and turmeric.
  4. Fry till half cooked, then keep aside.
  5. Add masala to the remaining oil in the kadai and fry for 10 mins.
  6. Add the fried brinjal to masala, add salt, chilli powder and stir.
  7. Remove from fire after the oil starts separating from the curry.

Recipe courtesy of vijaya Myneni