Halwai March 28, 2023


• Basmati Rice – 1 cup
• Fresh thick curds – 1 cup
• Water – 1 cup
• Mixed diced vegetables (potatoes, carrots, peas) – 2 cups
• Oil – 2.5 tbsp
• Ginger-garlic paste – 1 tsp
• Onions -2 (cut lengthwise)
• Peeled Garlic – 6 flakes
• Salt as required
• Lemon – 1
• Finely cut Mint leaves – 1.5 tbsp
• Cut Coriander leaves – 1 tbsp
• Fry the following in 2 tbsp oil and grind with a bunch of coriander leaves:
• Cashew nuts – 1 tbsp
• Small Onions – 7
• Green chillies – 8
• Ginger – 1/2 inch piece
• Cinnamon – 1 inch piece
• Cloves – 2
• Cardamoms – 2


  1. Wash and soak rice for 10 minutes.
  2. Drain water and fry for 2 mins in 1/2 tsp of ghee.
  3. Heat pressure cooker, add oil and fry garlic and onion pieces.
  4. Add ginger garlic paste and diced vegetables.
  5. Fry till vegetables are tender.
  6. Add ground masala paste and fry till smell goes.
  7. Beat curds and add along with 1 cup of water.
  8. When it starts boiling, add rice and salt, cover lid and cook on a low flame.
  9. Keep the weight as soon as the lid is closed.
  10. Remove from fire after 2 whistles.
  11. Squeeze lemon juice and add cut mint leaves and coriander leaves.
  12. Mix well and serve hot.

Recipe courtesy of Aparna