Halwai December 31, 2024


• 1/2 kg – Potato
• 200 g – beans
• 150 g – Capsicum
• 100 g – Carrot
• 100 g – Cabbage
• 5 slice – bread
• 2-3 tsp – crushed Green chillies
• 1 tsp – ajinomoto
• salt to taste
• oil for frying


  1. Boil the potatoes, then peel and mash them. Add salt.
  2. Chop the carrots and beans into very fine pieces.
  3. Finely chop the cabbage. Add salt and keep aside for 5-10 minutes. Squeeze out the excess water.
  4. Chop the capsicum finely.
  5. Crumble the bread pieces.
  6. Heat 1 tbsp of oil. Add the carrots and beans and stir-fry.
  7. Add the cabbage and capsicum.
  8. Add 1 tsp of ajinomoto, crushed green chillies and salt to taste.
  9. Stir-fry and remove from the heat. Cool.
  10. Add the cooled vegetable mixture and crumbled bread pieces in the mashes potatoes. Mix well.
  11. Make lemon-sized balls. Shape them like 2 to 3-inch sticks. Fry in hot oil.
  12. Drain the excess oil and serve the Chinese sticks with tomato or chilli sauce.