Halwai September 5, 2022


• 1/2 liter – Milk
• 2 tsp – Rice
• Sugar – 3/4 cup
• 1/4 tsp – Cardamom powder
• 10 – cashew
• Ghee – for frying


  1. Boil milk in a large cooker.
  2. Add rice in milk for about 20 mins in a low flame and remove from fire.
  3. When the steam subsides open and boil again. Add the sugar and stir well.
  4. Now cook for another 20 mins in a low flame with the weight.
  5. Open the cooker, when steam subsides, add cardamom and mix well.
  6. Fry the cashews in ghee and add to the milk kheer.
  7. Serve.
  8. Recipe courtesy: Subbu’s Kitchen

Recipe courtesy of Subbalakshmi Ranganathan