Halwai April 25, 2024


• 1 cup – Ragi flour
• 1 cup – Jaggery
• 2 cups – Coconut Milk/plain Milk
• 3 tbsps – Ghee (if using Coconut Milk quantity of Ghee can be reduced)
• 1 pinch – Cardamom powder
• Cashew nuts to garnish


  1. Mix ragi flour with warm milk to make a smooth paste and let it stand for fifteen minutes.
  2. Dissolve jaggery in 2 cups of warm water and filter it.
  3. Cook the ragi flour paste and jaggery water together in a heavy bottomed pan.
  4. Keep stirring to avoid lumps.
  5. Add ghee little by little and keep stirring till the whole mass comes together.
  6. When the halbai becomes dark and shiny and starts to leave the sides of the pan, add cardamom powder and the remaining ghee.
  7. Pour it onto a greased plate and garnish with cashew nuts.
  8. Allow to set and then cut into desired shapes.
  9. Serve warm.
  10. Recipe courtesy: Chitra Amma’s Kitchen
  11. http://chitra-ammas-kitchen.blogspot.in/