Halwai May 23, 2024


• 300 g – plain flour/ Maida
• 300 g – Brown sugar
• 100 g – powdered white Sugar
• 3 – eggs, beaten
• 2tsp – vanilla essence
• 300 g – Butter
• 1 tsp – Nutmeg powder
• 1 tsp – Cinnamon powder
• 1 tsp – date syrup
• 300 g – dried fruit
• 50 g – orange/ Lemon peel
• 250 ml – rum or brandy


  1. Soak the dried fruit and orange/ lemon peel in rum or brandy for about 1 month.
  2. Just before using, strain and mix in 3 tsp of flour to it.
  3. Keep it aside.
  4. Cream the butter, sugar and brown sugar well.
  5. Add the beaten eggs, date syrup and vanilla essence and mix well.
  6. Add the orange/lemon peel and dried fruits, nutmeg powder and cinnamon powder and mix well.
  7. If the mixture is too thick add a little milk.
  8. Pour into a greased and papered baking tin or dish and bake in a slow oven for about 40 minutes.
  9. Remove from the oven when done and set aside to cool. (Ice this cake only when completely cold).
  10. Preparation steps for the Almond icing:
  11. Soak 300 g almonds in water overnight then grind to a thick paste.
  12. Add 500 g icing sugar, 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp almond essence and 2 tsp lime juice and cook with a little water in a heavy bottom pan till it solidifies.
  13. Remove it from heat and cool.
  14. Knead it into a stiff ball.
  15. Roll out to fit the cake. (Brush some eat white all over the icing if desired).
  16. Spread a thin layer of jam on the cake to keep the icing in placer.
  17. Place the layer of almond icing over the cake and press gently so that the entire cake is covered with the icing.
  18. Allow it set for 2 days.
  19. If required cover this layer with royal icing for a hard surface.
  20. Recipe Courtesy: Anglo-Indian Recipes

Recipe courtesy of Bridget White