Halwai May 30, 2024


• 1/2 cup – long grain Rice
• 2 inch – Cinnamon stick
• 2 Cardamom pods
• 2 cups – warm water
• 1/2 cup – powdered Sugar
• 1/2 cup – Coconut Milk
• 1 tsp – flaked Almonds


  1. Rinse rice and add warm water.
  2. Add cinnamon stick and cardamom pods. Cover and let the rice soak overnight or for at least 10 hours.
  3. Puree the soaked rice in a blender along with cinnamon stick and cardamom pods.
  4. Strain the pureed rice through a muslin cloth, squeezing firmly to extract as much flavour as possible.
  5. Blend in the powdered sugar and coconut milk.
  6. Serve chilled in a tall glass with ice. Garnish with flaked almonds.